Accessories for twin tails and ponytails ■ Product name: Tail pony Hair extension accessories for avatars ■ Basic specifications --- Deltahedron: 3260 OculusQuest compatible: One mesh model, number of materials 1 7 bones on the tail (swaying things can be set) ■ Contents unitypackage: TailsPony.unitypackage Handling Precautions_TailsPony.txt (this document) TailPony_texture_with commentary .psd (color of each part can be changed) ■ Specifications ・ In Tail.p2.02 of the pony bone "Armature_pony.2" Since the DynamicBone (paid asset for shaking) component is added. If you have a Dynamic Bone, it will shake as it is. ■ How to use (super easy explanation assuming that you have knowledge of Unity) Put the avatar you want to attach into the scene and adjust the size and shape to the place you want to attach (head etc.) After that, please insert it as a child of the position bone you want to attach. Example) Put a tailpony_h prefab under the Head bone. Creator kamonabeheven Contact: twitter @kamonabeheven
-The copyright of this model belongs to the creator kamonabeheven. ● What you can do ・ Modification / modification is OK. Please also for video production, distribution activities, etc. ✖ Prohibitions ・ Distribution / Sales --- Distribution and sales of this model and modified works of this model. ・ Use in acts that cause trouble for others. --- Please refrain from using it for purposes or purposes that make others uncomfortable. ■ Disclaimer ・ About any damage, loss, or trouble caused by the use of this data The creator kamonabeheven does not take any responsibility.