VRChat Avatars3.0 Custom Emoji System Vol.1 is a VketChan plus+ Pack, friendly for mute players. Vol.2 is a lively Mokuri Pack. Each Emoji has a different associated animation. Optimized with only 1 material, particle, and shader. Installation video also included, both in English and Japanese. Comes with psd data for easy customization. Redistribution or commercial-use is forbidden for the included image data. For the Emoji System, you are free to modify and redistribute. Credit attribution is appreciated, but not mandatory. ◆Credits Emoji System Development, Animations: Ponponsan https://twitter.com/Ponponsan3 Emoji Illustrations: SAWAEMIKA https://twitter.com/SawaeMika
◆Terms of Use 【Emoji Illustration Terms of Use】(included image data) Redistribution or commercial-use of the image data is forbidden with the exception of redistribution under the purpose of an individual's sale and distribution of avatars. 【Emoji System Terms of Use】(the system that enables emojis) The Emoji System is distributed under CC0. Credit attribution is appreciated, but not mandatory.