Curry version of rabbit-like VRChat avatar UsaCo With reaction gimmick! Supports Oculus Quest and VRChat Avatar 3.0 An original 3D model that allows you to react with "!" Or "?" Or a curry sauce spot from the rabbit UsaCo's overhead curry rice dish. For communication! ■ Basic specifications UsaCo (rabbit-like character) avatar with a curry rice plate on her head Includes animations and settings in which three types of reaction models "!", "?", And "curry sauce spot" appear from the hat with a hand sign. --- Total 4106 polygons OculusQuest compatible: Avatar Quality Excellent (one mesh model, 1 material) Shader is not included Please set the Shader setting of "Material" to your liking ([VRChat / Mobile / ToonLit] etc.) Compatible with VRChat Avatar3.0 and Quest ■ Contents unitypackage: UsaCoCurry.unitypackage Handling Precautions_UsaCo_Curry.txt ■ Specifications The popping out "surprise mark", "question mark", and "curry sauce spot" are set to the gesture of the right hand (Oculus) "Surprised mark" Finger Point "Question mark" Hand Gun "Curry sauce spot" Thumbs Up ‥ ■ How to use (super easy explanation assuming that you have knowledge of Unity) ・ Import VRChatSDK3 (corresponding version) into the Unity project of the corresponding Unity version ・ Import UsaCoCurry.unitypackage. ・ Place the "UsaCo_curry" prefab in the "CurryusaCo for sale" folder in the appropriate scene hierarchy. ・ Build as you like! ■ Update history 2021/01/23 released Creator kamonabeheven Contact: twitter @kamonabeheven
■ Handling precautions -The copyright of this model belongs to the creator kamonabeheven. ● What you can do ・ Modification / modification is OK. Please also for video production, distribution activities, etc. ✖ Prohibitions ・ Distribution / Sales --- Distribution and sales of this model and modified works of this model. ・ Use in acts that cause trouble for others. --- Please refrain from using it for purposes or purposes that make others uncomfortable. ■ Disclaimer ・ Any damage, loss, or trouble caused by the use of this data The creator kamonabeheven does not take any responsibility.