This data is an original 3D model of a costume specifically adjusted for QuQu’s avatar ‘New NecoMaid’. It is also set up for use in VRChat. By introducing the Modular Avatar into the Unity Project for New NecoMaid, an EX menu with pre-configured outfit change functionality will be automatically added just by placing it directly under the avatar. Of course, manual adjustments using bone movement are also possible. Supported avatars/versions ------ QuQu《New NecoMaid・GothicPopセット》 *Please purchase the base avatar from QuQu’s shop. ---file contents --- ●FuwaFuwaLongSkirt ▷3DModel ▶FF_Long_Skirt.fbx ▶FF_Long_Skirt2.fbx ▷Texture ▶Pullover×5color ▶Cutsew×4color ▶Long Skirt×5color ▶Shoes×4color ▶Mask×4 ▶NormalMap×4 ▶PSD×4 ▷unitypackage ▶FF_Long_Skirt.package ●README (JPN) ●README (ENG) ※Version may be updated without notice for additions, weight reductions, fixes, etc. ※This product does not include model data for New Neco Maid Chan. ※Please note that this is a downloadable product and no refunds can be made after purchase. ※I will use 𝕏[Twitter] for any announcements. ---How to use --- ●Easy setup procedure (1) “Create a new avatar project in the ‘VRChat Creator Companion’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘VCC’). Please also install a version of Unity that supports VRChat.” VCC - Official Documents ------ (2) Install "Modular Avatar" in Unity. 【Modular Avatar - GitHub】 【Modular Avatar - Guide】 (3) Import "lilToon" into Unity. 【lilToon - BOOTH】 【lilToon - GitHub】 *This is adjusted using the fur function of the lilToon shader. Use of other shaders may result in unintended texture (4) Import ‘New NecoMaid’ into Unity and place the NecoMaid Prefab in the Hierarchy. This step is not mandatory, but if you want to use the ‘GothicPop セット’, please import it as well. 【New NecoMaid】 【GothicPopセット】 (5) Unzip the downloaded ‘FuwaFuwaLongSkirt’ file and import ‘FF_Long_Skirt.package’ into Unity. (6) Open the ‘Prefab’ folder inside the ‘FF_Long_Skirt’ folder, which is located in the Unity Project. To dress NewNecoMaid ---- Put "FF_Long_Skirt" directly under the avatar in the Hierarchy. To dress the GothicPop セット---- Put "FF_Long_Skirt2" directly under the avatar in the Hierarchy. Without ModularAvatar ---- Set up "FF_Long_Skirt3" manually. (7) Hide the costume portion of the New NecoMaid body using the checkbox located directly below the Inspector. There is a screenshot explaining ‘Object_on_off’ in the Memo folder. (8) Now when you upload your avatar to VRChat, it will be dressed in a long skirt with preconfigured EX menu switching. However, if you are particularly concerned about the legs, you should add additional settings to the material for the NecoMaid body. Refer to the Mask Setting in the Memo folder and the explanatory screenshot before uploading the file to VRChat. If this is a concern for you, please make these adjustments before uploading to VRChat. “Please make sure that the Visibility checkbox in the window that appears during the upload process is set to ‘Private’ before uploading.” Additionally, the uploaded avatar will be classified as ‘Very Poor’ The included FBX model should be used for modification, etc. ----------------- Right holders and contact information for right holders Rights holders:Lalaluu メール 𝕏[Twitter]:@LalaluuVR Website:
Atelier Lalaluu_License_Agreement The License Agreement can be downloaded from the VketStore page below. Please check it out.