This data is intended to be used as an accessory for VRChat avatars and VRM avatars (cluster, etc.). ---file contents --- ●Magical WarHammer ▷FBX ▶M_War Hammer_v1.0(△5350) ▷Texture ▶M_War Hammer_Yellow ▶M_War Hammer_Pink ▶M_War Hammer_Green ▶M_War Hammer_Dark ▶M_War Hammer_Blue ▶M_Hammer_UV ▶Halo_Gradation ▶M_Mask ▶M_MatCap ▶M_Particle ▶PSD_M_War Hammer ▷unitypackage ▶M_War Hammer_v1.0_VRC ▶M_War Hammer_v1.0_cluster ▷lilToonShaderのURL ●README (JPN) ●README (ENG) ※Version may be updated without notice for additions, weight reductions, fixes, etc. ※Avatar not included ※Please note that this is a downloadable product and no refunds can be made after purchase. ※I will use Twitter for any announcements. ---How to use--- ●UnityPackage is tailored for VRChat/cluster respectively. -------------------- Right holders and contact information for right holders Rights holders:Lalaluu 𝕏(Twitter):@LalaluuVR Website:
Atelier Lalaluu_License_Agreement The License Agreement can be downloaded from the VketStore page below. Please check it out.