This data is intended to be used as an accessory for VRChat avatars and VRM avatars (cluster, etc.). Exhibitions on VRChat ・Virtual Market 2023 Summer Aquedust Capital Avidaar Open Sesame - Megist Bazaar Entrance - 5 【2023/7/15(Sat)~7/30(Sun) 】 ・Magical Sabbath 2 I will be exhibiting at the above two exhibition events. Various items are also on display at BOOTH ---file contents --- ●Magical KnuckleDuster ▷MKDA【heart shape】 ▶M_Knuckle_DA.v.1.0.fbx (△5568) ▶M_Knuckle_DA_Yellow.png ▶M_Knuckle_DA_Pink.png ▶M_Knuckle_DA_Blue.png ▶M_Knuckle_DA_UV.png ▷MKDB【spiny shape】 ▶M_Knuckle_DB.v.1.0.fbx (△5264) ▶M_Knuckle_DB_Yellow.png ▶M_Knuckle_DB_Pink.png ▶M_Knuckle_DB_Blue.png ▶M_Knuckle_DB_UV.png ▷Texture ▶KawaiiClapTexture.png ▶M_Knuckle_D.1.0_for particle.png ▶M_Knuckle_D_MatCap.png ▶M_Knuckle_D.psd ●UnityPackage ▶MagicalKnuckleDuster_VRC ▶MagicalKnuckleDuster_cluster ●lilToonShader URL ●Clap Setting for VRChat (pdf with contact animation and other setup instructions) ●README (JPN) ●README (ENG) ※Version may be updated without notice for additions, weight reductions, fixes, etc. ※Avatar not included ※Please note that this is a downloadable product and no refunds can be made after purchase. ※I will use Twitter for any announcements. ---How to use--- ●UnityPackage is tailored for VRChat/cluster respectively. For use with avatars for VRChat (1) Install a VRChat-compatible version of Unity and SDK, and be ready to upload avatars. (2) Install "lilToon shader". (The shader is available at the URL below) 【lilToon - BOOTH】 【lilToon - GitHub】 (3)≪Magical KnuckleDuster_VRC.package≫ Open File (4) Drag and drop either type A or B of the Magical Knuckle Duster in the Prefab folder directly under the avatar's middle finger bone in the Hierarchy (or any hierarchy), then slide the shape key to the desired shape and adjust the position and size as well. (5) If you also want to add animation using contact, please refer to [Clap Setting for VRChat.pdf]. However, only Japanese explanation is available. (6) Check the VRChatSDK for avatar upload errors and confirm that 【Private】is checked and upload the avatar. (Do not check 【Public】.) For use with avatars for clusters (1) Install the cluster recommended version of Unity and UniVRM and be ready to upload avatars. Refer to cluster's custom avatar limitations.( (2)≪Magical KnuckleDuster_cluster.package≫ Open File (3) Drag and drop the Magical Knuckle Duster in the Prefab folder directly under the avatar's middle finger bone in the Hierarchy (or any hierarchy), then slide the shape key to the desired shape and adjust the position and size as well. (4) Upload the avatar with the Magical Knuckle Duster as an avatar to be used in cluster by outputting VRM. -------------------- Right holders and contact information for right holders Rights holders:Lalaluu メール Twitter:@LalaluuVR Website:
Atelier Lalaluu_License_Agreement The License Agreement can be downloaded from the VketStore page below. Please check it out.