VN3 License Generator This is a set of License Agreement created by Lalaluu using ( Includes a simple list with logos for easy confirmation. This is the full text of the Terms of Use that apply to almost all of Atelier Lalaluu products. Please check before purchasing product data. The version uploaded here is the latest version. The latest version of the current Terms of Use 日本語 : ららるーのアトリエ利用規約_ver.20231212 English : Atelier Lalaluu_License_Agreement_ver.20231212 中文:Atelier Lalaluu_的条款和条件_ver.20231212 한국어:Atelier Lalaluu_이용 약관_ver.20231212 *日本語版の他に英語版・中国語版・韓国語版がありますが、あくまで参考であり翻訳間で定義に齟齬が生じた場合は日本語版を優先します *This English version is for reference only. The original version in Japanese shall prevail if any conflicts or inconsistencies exist. *中文版僅作為參考,各譯本之間如有任何定義偏差將以日文版原件為準。 *한국어판은 참고자료로 작성되었으며, 일본어판이 정식문서이며 최우선으로 적용됩니다. ---------------------------------------- Please follow us on Twitter,, etc. for important announcements such as version changes of the terms and conditions, as well as for announcements including minor changes. ---------------------------------------- Copyright owner:Lalaluu 𝕏(Twitter):@LalaluuVR Website:
This data is the Terms and Conditions that apply to almost all products sold in my store. Please be sure to download and review these terms and conditions before using any of our other products.