This is the VRC Self-Portrait Joint Publication that was scheduled to be distributed at Comic Market 98. There will be a total of 30 VRC players who will be drawing their own avatars in this joint publication. The following are the participants (titles omitted, in alphabetical order of reading, with Twitter IDs in parentheses) いら (@irasist_) ウイング (@wing_JP01) Esq.X (@unknown_esq_x) oistery (@oistery_vrc) KAMITUKU (@kamituguv_v) クレセント (@crescent_D) ゲレゲレ (@gimme_akagi) 完全保証 (@go_go_vrc) こおりみず (@_kori_mizu_) 黒色熊猫 (@higumasyake) ZYESTAR (@SHairosta_nezmy) shephilamb (@shephyVR) Sikirans (@Sikirans_as) 鈴夜 (@aqua_material) zefutefu (@zefutefu) 汰 (@taitan89tos) デカ過ぎる陰茎は身を滅ぼす (@GJ_Club) TenteEEEE (@tenteeeee_vrc) とんぱちくん (@tonpachikun_VRC) なっくらー (@kamimk3) NAMURU (@panamuru12324) 番台漆 (@urusi_bandai) 筆禍 (@hikka06) ふぅす (@The_Pantz4082) ぷも (@pumony) 薫人 (@masahito_yomenu) Manx (@ManxSolaria) やつで (@yatuderi) ゆずうさ真紅 (@Lunasa673) リーチャ隊長 (@rietzscha)