-3D cat plushie object. This model was made to be used with VRChat, but can be used for other applications. This model has custom physics collision. This model comes in 4 colors. -Model comes as a "UnityPackage" file. -4 "Diffuse" textures. -1 "Detail Diffuse" cloth texture. -1 "Detail Normals" cloth texture. -Plushie is one material, with 4 variations. "CatPlushPrefab" - A premade prefab of the plushie. One prefab in each color. "CatPlush_Mesh" - The raw .fbx file of the model. Add a "VRC-Pickup" script from the SDK to make it interactable in VRChat.
-You may use this model in promotional content. -Do not sell or redistribute this model.