Thank you for downloading VketChan 01. This document is the manual of VketChan 01. License file is contained as a separate file. ## Change log 2022/08/13 v2.0.0 VketChan 01 with the base body has been released. 2022/12/18 v2.0.1 Adjusted the folder structure of Assets. 2023/04/06 v2.0.2 Included VRM data. 2024/02/26 v2.0.3 Changed using shader to liltoon. Revised shapekeys for changing costume on base body. Revised bone hierarchy and naming convention. 2024/07/20 v2.0.4 Fixed issue on vertex weight. ## How to Import Avatar 1. Before importing, download the VRChat Creator Companion from the VRChat official website, and create a new avatar project by following the instructions. 2. Import the Vketchan_v2.0.3.unitypackage in the folder. By opening the included scene file, an avatar fully setup will appear on the Hierarchy. 3. If you want to modify the model, please use Model and Texture folders inside the Vketchan1 folder. The textures are provided in png and psd format. The model is provided in fbx format. ## About Texture grass.png : Texture used for Cloth1,hair,metal,sotai hair Material Vketchan.png : Texture used for Cloth1,hair,Metal,skin Material Vketchan_hair.png : Texture used for sotai hair Material Vketchan_skin.png : Texture used for sotai skin Material Vketchan_Cloth2.png : Texture used for Cloth2 Material VketchanMask Cloth2.png : Black and white texture image of Vketchan_Cloth2.png VketchanMask.png : Black and white texture image of Vketchan.png ## About Mesh The meshes are separated into eight parts. Sotai_body Sotai_face Sotai_hair Sotai_Underwear Vketchan_beret Vketchan_cloth Vketchan_foot Vketchan_ude If you want to split the mesh further, please use the FBX file. ## About Shapekeys face mesh has all the settings for shapekeys. Shapekeys for Lipsync sil : Lipsync shapekey for sil pp : Lipsync shapekey for pp ff : Lipsync shapekey for ff th : Lipsync shapekey for th dd : Lipsync shapekey for dd kk : Lipsync shapekey for kk ch : Lipsync shapekey for ch ss : Lipsync shapekey for ss nn : Lipsync shapekey for nn rr : Lipsync shapekey for rr aa : Lipsync shapekey for aa e : Lipsync shapekey for e ih : Lipsync shapekey for ih oh : Lipsync shapekey for oh ou : Lipsync shapekey for ou Expression shapekeys mouth_ : Shapekey for moving the mouth eye_ : Shapekey for moving the eyes eyeblow_: Shapekey for moving the eyeblows Body shapekeys for dress-up shrink_bust : Shapekey for slenderizing chest mesh shrink_torso : Shapekey for slenderizing spine mesh shrink_hips : Shapekey for slenderizing waist mesh shrink_upperleg : Shapekey for slenderizing upper-leg mesh shrink_knee : Shapekey for slenderizing knee mesh shrink_lowerleg : Shapekey for slenderizing lower-leg mesh shrink_foot : Shapekey for slenderizing feet mesh shrink_upperArm : Shapekey for slenderizing upper-arm mesh shrink_lowerArm : Shapekey for slenderizing lower-arm mesh ----- HIKKY Co., Ltd. <> 2024/02/26
【Terms of Use】 This model is released under UV license. Allow use as an avatar. (Basic terms) Allow alteration to avatars and divert parts for the purpose of adding personality . (Basic terms) Allow personal commercial use.(Individual terms) Allow distribution of derivative works.(Individual terms) Allow distribution, and diversion of data.(Individual terms) For the full text of the rules, please refer to the following URL.