[Original 3D Costume Set] Casual Outfit For Eimear & Psy Creator AcChosen This is an original 3D costume set for the “Eimear & Psy” model data. This product is intended to use the original data of “Eimear & Psy”. Compatibility with the modified “Eimear & Psy” model is not guaranteed, so please be aware of this before purchasing. Prefabs that are set in advance have been included and require the “Eimear & Psy” model data in the project. Please note that individual guidance on how to use the applications (Blender 3D or Unity) or this model data outside of initial startup will not be provided. ◆ CAUTION ◆ This model requires to be used with “Eimear & Psy” version 1.2 or later. This is costume data for the model for VRchat “Eimear & Psy”. Please know that the “Eimear & Psy” model data is NOT included in this product. This product only contains model data for the costume. Please purchase at your own risk. ◆ Product Contents ◆ • FOLDER: “Blender-ReleaseFiles” – Contains the .blend files for the costume data. • FOLDER: “FBX” – Contains the .FBX files for the costume data. • FOLDER: “Textures” – Contains the textures for the costume data. (.PNG and .PSD) • FILE: “Eimear&Psy-CasualOutfit-SDK3.unitypackage” Contains prefabs, model data, and texture data for the costume to be imported into Unity 2018. ◆ Required Assets For Unity 2018.4.20f1 ◆ • DynamicBone - This asset is required to have the hair move. It can be purchased at the Unity Asset Store. • UnityChanToonShader2.0 - These are the shaders this model uses for VRChat. • Eimear&Psy-CasualOutfit-SDK3.unitypackage – The latest unity package file that contains the Eimear & Psy model data. • VRC SDK 3.0 ◆ Installation Instructions ◆ Unity: • Open a Unity 2018 project file with the “Eimear & Psy” character model data, the VRChat SDK 3.0, DynamicBone, and Unity Toon Shader 2.0 imported. • Extract “Eimear&Psy-CasualOutfitSet-Ver1.0.zip” into a folder. • Double-click and import “Eimear&Psy-CasualOutfit-SDK3.unitypackage” into a project file that contains the “Eimear & Psy” character model data. • Open the “Eimear&Psy - CasualOutfit_UploadScene” scene file. • Click “Show Build Control Panel” under “VRChat SDK”, choose the version of the model you want to upload, then click “Build & Publish” Blender 3D: • Open either the Eimear or Psy .blend file model data. • Click File>Append, then navigate to the Eimear-CasualOutfit.blend file, then double-click the file, then double-click the Object Folder, then the shift + click the “Clothes” + “Suspenders” + “Necklace” objects. Click Append.
◆ Terms of Service - Caution ◆ [Original 3D Costume Set] Casual Outfit For Eimear & Psy Creator AcChosen • Please read the terms of service below before purchasing the model. • This is model data that is set to be used with VRChat and Unity. Textures, .fbx and .blend files are included. • Please use in accordance with the terms of service regardless of which application you use. • Please note that no additional instructions are provided other than instructions to upload to Unity/VRChat are provided. ◆ Terms of Service ◆ You agree to these terms and conditions when you purchase this model. The contents of these terms of service are subject to change. If they are changed, the latest version will be applied. • The copyright of Eimear and Psy Casual Outfit(Here in after now referred to as "the models") is held by the creator, AcChosen, and the rights to the models belong to the creator, AcChosen. • Copyright infringement is a criminal offense, and the infringer can be punished by prosecution by the copyright owner. Infringement of copyright, publishing rights, and neighboring rights is subject to imprisonment of 10 years or less or a fine of 10 million yen or less. • Distribution of these models or any of its data including textures is forbidden. Distribution of copies of this model (either through retopology or copying) is also forbidden. Distribution of modified versions of this model, whether it is the whole model or part of the model, is also forbidden. • Use of these models in VRChat is allowed. Distribution of the model via VRChat avatar pedestals is forbidden. • The use of these models in expressions, politics, and religious activities that slander others are prohibited. • You are free to modify these models at your own risk. Please note that we do not provide guidance on matters that are not included in this model, such as how to modify this model, conversion to another extension, and reading with applications other than unity. • If there is a difference in other languages due to translation, the terms of use in English will be applied. ◆ Disclaimer ◆ In the case of troubles, losses and damages caused by using this model, the creator AcChosen accepts no responsibility. Use this model at your own risk. Established date: 2020 November 7