It is a character model that assumes the avatar to be used in the VR community. Unitypackage is available for uploading to VRChat.And VRM files can be used in supported apps. It also includes model files in fbx format, so they can be used for other purposes. # creator rerofumi (@rerofumi) # Overview - Name: QUQUI-chan - Charactor: - The daughter of a drug master apprentice rabbit. I'm collecting materials in the forest today. - Polygon: 22,290 triangle (quest ver: 9917 triangle) - Texture: 4 (quest var: 1) - Material: 4 (quest var: 1) - Shader: VRC/Unity-Chan Toon Shader (v2.0.7), VRM/MToon, Mobile/Unlit - Facial brend: VRM specification compliant. Settings for VRChat are also available, too. - VRM model has been verified for use apprications with "VirtualCast" and "cluster". # Contents 3D model data - ququi_0032_eyemove.fbx - ququi_v103.vrm - ququi_gymwear_red.vrm - ququi_gymwear_blue.vrm unity package data for VRChat avatar. - ququi_vrc_v1.0.5.unitypackage texture(for fbx) MMD model data - ququi_v100.pmx 10,000 polygon for quest - vrc_quest_ququi_10k_v1.0.3.unitypackage 10,000 polygon models - ququi_10k_shapes.fbx - tex_ququi_1pack.png README -
【Terms of Use】 This model is released under UV license. This model allows the following actions based on Individual terms in addition to the Basic Terms. ・Personal Commercial Use ・Corporate Commercial Use ・Distribution of Derivative Works ・For Adults, Sexual Expressions Use ・For Adults, Violence Expressions Use This data has the following special notes. - Allow for use to video work. (ex. videogame, anime, stream contents) - Allow for use to charactor print items. (some goods) - Allow for use to three-dimensional object. (ex. 3D printer output) - The author does not exercise identity retention rights against characters appearing in these authorized media. - The author claims no responsibility any trouble or loss caused by the use of this model. - Terms may change without notice. For the full text of the rules, please refer to the following URL.