This is a VRC-compatible avatar with transformation functionality. It supports both PC and Quest. Below is the content of the included readme. -------------------------------------------------------- Thank you very much for purchasing "Souku Type 1." For the terms of use regarding the avatar itself and related data, please refer to the included terms of use. The contents of the avatar and Unity package are as follows: Unity Setup Please install the liltoon shader ( in advance, and upload the avatar to VRC from VCC. About the Avatar Inside the "prefab" folder or in the "Souku ver1.00" Scene, there are data for eight avatars. They are divided into four for the PC version and four for the Quest (Android) version. Textures There is a PSD file included in the "souku Tex" folder. While detailed coloring may be difficult, you can change the color of the armor and add a logo to the shoulder. Controls In VRC, select "Transform" from the Expression Menu to switch to quadrupedal mode. Selecting "Transform" again will return it to bipedal mode. While in quadrupedal mode, you can switch the constraint on the front legs by doing a "Thumbs Up." Other Information In bipedal mode, the arms may appear short, but this is due to the viewpoint being projected forward. Also, the visible arm position and the actual arm position may be slightly misaligned. Please note that these are not bugs but normal specifications. Brass C2329 --------------------------------------------------------
Please review the included terms of use.