This site hasn't implemented a way for westerners to receive funds yet, for now, use An androgynous Space Rabbit from Planet Honeymoon, Hip would love to receive nothing but affection from everyone! He travels from planet to planet unlike that of a nomad. Perhaps he’s trying to discover what is the concept of love? Package includes FBX files for both PC and quest, preconfigured in a unity scene. The models include several facial expression blend shapes and corresponding gesture animations. The PC model has preconfigured dynamic bone components on its armature. Material count: -PC: 1 -Quest: 1 dynamic bones: -PC: 12 -Quest: 0 Poly count: -PC: 7,130 -Quest: 4,742 Rules: Do not distribute without permission No R18 stuff, keep it SFW. unky Design Works is Dee, our 2D artist And Octuplex, our 3D artist