”I bought Nekoyama Nae, but I want to take it to more places than just VRChat! But I don't understand the VRM shaky stuff... it's a ticklish model and not half as cute...” For those who do, I'll publish the SpringBone configuration file I've set up. ・You can touch your hair and sleeves because the whole body has a hit test. ・Virtual casting allows you to touch other people's swaying objects. See more at VroidHub (https://hub.vroid.com/characters/8111248189439051901/models/5326155694980639203) I will distribute this swaying thing along with a script that will automatically set the gaze and facial expressions as an added bonus. Free! But I worked pretty hard, so it would be nice if you could give me some change. https://www.v-market.work/ec/mypage/items/4247/detail/ Overview Adds to the Unity Editor the ability to load the VRMSpringBone, VRMBlendshape, VRMFirstPersonOffset, and VRMLookAtBoneApplyer configuration files and reflect them in a 3D model in VRM file format (editor). (Extended) **Caution! ****************************** The 3D model of the Nekoyama seedlings does not come with. Do it yourself until VRMing. ************************************** Contents of Nekoyama_nae_VRMSetting.zip] Nekoyama_nae_VRMSetting.unitypackage README.txt: Instructions on how to use it LICENSE.txt About Nekoyama Nursery Model Official Site https://tsukurunomori.co.jp/3d-model/nekoyamanae Note: "[Nekoyama nae] VRMSpringBone setting file and Unity script" is an unofficial one Verified Environment Unity 2018.4.20f1 UniVRM 0.60 or later How to use -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Preparation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This script runs on Unity. It also requires UniVRM, so please import it. Tested environment] Unity 2018.4.20f1 UniVRM 0.60 or later 0.1 Introduction Launch Unity Double-click Nekoyama_nae_VRMSetting.unitypackage to run it. 3. click Import as the import window appears in Unity 0.2 Menu List When you open UniVRM-(version name) in the menu bar, the following menu is displayed: - VRMSpringBone VRMSpringBone ApplySetting Remove VRMAvatarDescriptor ApplySetting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Reflect SpringBone settings from an asset file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Place the model you want to reflect the VRMSpringBone and Collider settings in Hierarchy. (Note 1) Run UniVRM-(version name)-ExportHumanoid once to convert the fbx file into a VRM file. 2. In the menu, select UniVRM-(version name) -> VRMSpringBone -> ApplySetting. 3. Drag the model from the scene to the TargetModel from step 1 (to set the model). 4. Press the Apply button. 5. It is OK if the object named VRMSpringBone and XX ColliderGroup is reflected on the model. Go to -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Reflect the VRMBlendshape, VRMFirstPersonOffset, and VRMLookAtBoneApplyer settings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Place the model you want to reflect the VRMSpringBone and Collider settings in Hierarchy (Note 1) Convert the fbx file to a VRM file by running UniVRM-(version name) - ExportHumanoid. In the menu, select UniVRM-(version name) -> VRMAvatarDescriptor -> ApplySetting. Drag the model from the scene to the TargetModel from step 1 (to set the model). 4. Press the Apply button. 5. Make sure that the First Person Offset and Degree Mapping values have been changed in the Inspector of the model. 6. Press the Play button (▶) in the Unity Editor. 7. Make sure that the values have not been returned to their original values. 8. Make sure there is a Blendshape slider in the VRMBlendShapeProxy. Move each slider and see that the expression changes. (Neutral/LookUp/LookDown/LookLeft/LookRight are not set and their expressions will not change. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Removing the bones and colliders attached to the model (an added bonus) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Place the model in Hierarchy to remove VRMSpringBone and Collider settings 2. In the menu, select UniVRM-(version name) > VRMSpringBone > Remove. 3. Drag the model from the scene to the TargetModel from step 1 (to set the model). 4.Press the Remove button. *Translated by DeepL
(C) 2020 colloid This software is released under the MIT License. http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php <The major design pattern of this plugin was abstracted from slip, which is subject to the same license. Here is the original copyright notice for slip:> * (C)2019 slip * This software is released under the MIT License. * http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * [Twitter]: https://twitter.com/kjmch2s/ * * 利用規約: * 作者に無断で改変、再配布が可能で、利用形態(商用、18禁利用等) * についても制限はありません。 * このスクリプトはもうあなたのものです。