VRChat PC Edition Costume Model This is a costume model for VRChat, inspired by Hanfu and the night sky. Please note that this product includes only the costume model. The avatar body is not included. A sample avatar dressed in this costume is available on Quanstella for pre-purchase verification. You can access it here: https://vrchat.com/home/avatar/avtr_0bd7aba4-3a79-46cf-b8a8-e7d20e735830 The Fullpack version includes all compatible avatar data. If you purchase the Fullpack, there is no need to buy individual avatar-specific data. Please be careful to avoid duplicate purchases. Future updates to compatible avatars will also be included, so no additional purchases are required. Please note that refunds cannot be provided due to the nature of digital downloads. This model is generally compatible with breast size shape keys. However, please note that clipping may occur in cases of extreme PhysBone movement or similar situations. - Model Specifications Polygon count: 46,111 Material count: 3 Shader: liltoon https://lilxyzw.booth.pm/items/3087170 Set up using ModularAvatar. Please import it into your Unity project beforehand. - Data Contents StarDream_(AvatarName)_VerX.XX: UnityPackage and FBX files for each avatar. StarDream_Materials_VerX.XX: A UnityPackage containing common materials and textures (requires initial import). StarDream_PSD_VerX.XX: Layered texture PSD files for editing. - Compatible Avatars Quanstella - クアンステーラ VRChat用アバター https://store.vket.com/ja/items/9187 https://moyashichan.booth.pm/items/5922294 Compatible Breast size shapekeys 【オリジナル3Dモデル】疾雲 - hayakumo - https://store.vket.com/ja/items/8531 https://moyashichan.booth.pm/items/5386395 Compatible Breast size shapekeys 【オリジナル3Dモデル】だいずちゃん https://store.vket.com/ja/items/6949 https://moyashichan.booth.pm/items/4340351 Compatible Breast size shapekeys STUDIO JINGO様 オリジナル3Dモデル「マヌカ」ver1.02 https://booth.pm/ja/items/5058077 Compatible Breast size shapekeys ※Breast_big_PLUS shapekey is NOT compatible ポンデロニウム研究所様 オリジナル3Dモデル「しなの」 https://booth.pm/ja/items/6106863 Compatible Breast size shapekeys Original 3D model【華夜 -Kaya-】 https://booth.pm/ja/items/3480756 Compatible Breast size shapekeys ツクルノモリVR様 オリジナル3Dモデル「立花優衣(たちばな ゆい)」 https://tsukurunomori.booth.pm/ Compatible Breast size shapekeys VIVID PLUM様 『白雨-Hakuu-』オリジナル3Dモデル https://booth.pm/ja/items/6211186 Compatible Breast size shapekeys ROKO SHOP様 オリジナル3Dモデル 「ネミア -Nenmir-」 #MARUBODY https://rokota.booth.pm/items/4376366 Compatible Breast size shapekeys - Installation Instructions 1. Install VRChat's official VRChatCreatorCompanion (VCC) and create a Unity project for avatars. 2. Import liltoon, created by lilLab, into your project. https://booth.pm/ja/items/3087170 3. Import Modular Avatar into your project. https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/ja 4. Import the UnityPackage of the avatar you wish to dress. 5. Import StarDream_Materials_VerX.XX.unitypackage into your project. 6. Import StarDream_(AvatarName)_VerX.XX.unitypackage into your project. 7. In the hierarchy, set the prefab for dressing the avatar, then attach the preferred color version of StarDream__(AvatarName)_(Color).prefab under the avatar's prefab root. 8. Configure the Shlink shape key to prevent clipping for invisible parts of the base model. For some avatars, configure the heel shape key. Refer to the included recommended shape key settings image for guidance. 9. Upload to VRChat. - Update History 2024/11/30 Ver1.00 Released 2024/12/14 Ver1.01 Improved collider settings to reduce clipping of the obi through the costume. Corrected errors in the recommended shape keys for the Nenmir version.
By starting to use this model, you are deemed to have agreed to the terms of use. These terms are based on the VN3 License template created by Hiroko Ashiyama (@hiorko_TB). For more details, visit: [https://www.vn3.org/](https://www.vn3.org/) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ptBT1Yz4Mar_j7baiTVHkxpkAZhVDlFJ/view?usp=drive_link