-- Simple and Casual 3D Model -- A character-like model that resembles a present. Includes animations like jumping. Comes with textures for color and expression variations. Contents 3D preview(Sketchfab)→https://skfb.ly/pqP9t Animated Model … FBX file (1 type) PresentKunAnime.fbx Animations Included in FBX (9 types) Wait: Idle motion (looped) PreJump: Start of jump preparation PreJumpWait: Jump preparation hold (looped) Jump: Jumping Fall: Falling (looped) Landing: Landing Joy: Expressing joy (looped) Sad: Expressing sadness (looped) Down: Collapsing Texture Images (PNG) Present.png: Default base color Additional textures for alternative setups (PNG) Color variations: Present_BaseA.png, Present_BaseB.png, Present_BaseC.png Expressions: FaceOnly01.png, FaceOnly02.png, FaceOnly03.png, FaceOnly04.png Color and expression textures are separate. Expression textures have transparent backgrounds. Use a graphic editor or material settings to combine as needed. About FBX Data A common 3D model data format. Depending on the intended use, conversion or setup for the specific platform or application may be required. Please check compatibility with your chosen platform or application. About Materials and Textures Materials are in default settings, with only the base color texture applied. If adjustments are needed, open the model in an application that allows material editing (e.g., Blender or Unity) and configure accordingly. Confirm compatible materials for your platform or application. Production Environment and Operation Verification Production Environment: MayaCreative (2024) Operation Verified with: Unity (2022.3.6f1) ClipStudio (3.1.1) for static display FBX Review viewer Requests and Support Currently, we do not accept requests for modifications or creation of original models (in general, we do not accept freelance work). We do not offer support for usage. We will address any clear defects or issues. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions. If you have any questions, please contact me via Message.
Commercial Use Can be used by individuals or corporations, for both profit and non-profit purposes. Redistribution Redistribution is not allowed, whether the data is modified or unmodified. Content Restrictions Use in age-restricted content, political, or religious contexts is prohibited. Users are prohibited from using the data in illegal activities, defamatory content, or any inappropriate actions or statements. The data must not be used in ways that harm its image. Modification and Sharing You are free to make modifications for your own use. You may request modifications from a third party. Sharing data with the general public is not allowed. If the data is used in collaborative work, it may be shared within the team; however, only the purchaser may use it, and team members are limited to tasks necessary for the creation. Use in 3D Avatars, Communities, and Applications (e.g., VRChat, cluster, streaming apps) Uploading the data for your avatar or place it in your worlds is allowed, but uploading with settings that allow distribution to third parties is prohibited. Use as Material The data may be used as supporting material for creating works. It can be used as a background, prop, or placed item in works. It is prohibited to create products or works that visibly feature the data as-is. If incorporating the data into a game or software for public release, please ensure it cannot be easily extracted. The data can be used as a reference for drawing or tracing. Additional Notes Credit is not required (if you wish to credit, please use "TRAVELER A's TRANK"). Transfer of rights and obligations is not permitted. The rights holder bears no responsibility for any issues arising from the use of this data. Link to Terms PDF https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RZdP5MZNslLaNKXcui58GO6F9aXOBd68/view?usp=drive_link Please review the PDF at the link above for detailed information, and use the data only after agreeing to these terms. Copyright is not waived; please adhere to the terms and use it within reasonable limits.