■About avatar Lair Marionette is a wooden doll-like VRChat avatar, whose nose grows when it lies. When you lie, you must make a hand sign. There are three hand signs: Handgun, Point, and Fist. ■How to use After importing the package, place the prefab in the Hierarchy and follow the VRChat avatar upload instructions. Your avatar is already set up as a VRChat avatar. Use as an avatar for PC and Quest. ■Specifications ・Any Platform ・Overall Performance: Excellent ・SDK3.0 ・Polygons:3,744 ・Download Size: 1.64MB ■Contents ・LiarMarionette.unitypackage
■免責事項 当アバターの利用に伴う一切のリスクおよび責任は、利用者自身にあります。製作者は当アバターの利用によって生じるいかなる損害に対しても責任を負いません。