■About avatar Sarubobo means "baby monkey" and is a local toy of the Hida region. It is said that mothers used to make this toy for their daughters to wish for good luck in marriage, easy childbirth, and marital bliss. ■How to use After importing the package, place the prefab in the Hierarchy and follow the VRChat avatar upload instructions. Your avatar is already set up as a VRChat avatar. Use as an avatar for PC and Quest. ■Specifications ・Polygons:2488p ・Overall Performance: Excellent ・SDK3.0 ・Download Size: 1.6MB ■Contents ・Sarubobo.unitypackage
■免責事項 当アバターの利用に伴う一切のリスクおよび責任は、利用者自身にあります。製作者は当アバターの利用によって生じるいかなる損害に対しても責任を負いません。