Vketchan 2 is the official character of the Virtual Market. When virtual market 3 was held, it won 1st place in the character design vote and became 3D. Character design by AJANOKO : https://twitter.com/AJANOKONOKO Character modeling is Tsukushi Kasukabe: https://twitter.com/kasukaBe_nyoki [Avatar Performance] Overall Performance : Poor Phys Bone Compornents : 22 Skinned Mesh Renderers : 10 Material Slots : 13 Phys Bone Transform Count : 102 Phys Bone Collision Check Count : 206 Polygons : 20599 [Details of Contents] VketChan2_v2.0.1.unitypackage Vketchan2_v1.6_MToon.vrm /Model/Vketchan-2_2.0.1.fbx /Texture /psd [Shader] Unity-chan Toon Shader © Unity Technologies Japan/UCL https://unity-chan.com/download/releaseNote.php?id=UTS2_0
【Terms of Use】 This model is released under UV license. Allow use as an avatar. (Basic terms) Allow alteration to avatars and divert parts for the purpose of adding personality . (Basic terms) Allow personal commercial use.(Individual terms) Allow distribution of derivative works.(Individual terms) Allow distribution, and diversion of data.(Individual terms) For the full text of the rules, please refer to the following URL. https://uv-license.com/en/license?utf8=%E2%9C%93&pcu=true&ddw=true&dmd=true