UltraHarp! is a real playable instrument for VRChat Avatars 3.0! You can easily play almost any songs, with a wide range of 3 octaves! It is very intuitive, and contains an in-depth tutorial to get you started. You can play alone, or with your friends too, like in the video shared above. It is really fun to learn this instrument with other people, and give concerts in public! You can become a VR minstrel today! The UltraHarp has 3 octaves, from C3 to C6, and is tuned in C Major. That means you can play as much as 24 notes! And it also has 10 pre-defined chords in chords mode! That allows you to play ANY songs as long as they are in C Major key! It contains 2 modes: - One for single notes, ideal for melodies, and solos! - One for chords, ideal to play backgrounds or ambient songs! Everything is controlled by gestures and contacts, in a very intuitive and easy to understand way! It has a small learning curve to get used to it, but it is definitely easier than real-life instruments. The installation is very easy, can be done by anyone and will take only 5 minutes! It contains an in-depth PDF to guide you. It is compatible with WD OFF and ON!
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