Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space
Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space

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    Published from : 2023/04/19 16:04:23

    Product Details

    This is a VRM avatar created and adjusted in Unity based on VRoid [official version]. The outfit is compatible with VRoid Studio official version (not verified for beta version). Sales data contents: Single Higan Cat VRM data: 1,500 yen Higan Cat outfit only data: 1,000 yen Higan Cat all-in-one data: 2,500 yen For details on data content, please check the thumbnail. <Notes on data usage> Prohibited items: - Self-assertion - Redistribution and reproduction - Learning by AI - Distribution and sales of avatars using this texture Possible to use in avatars such as VRChat and Cluster. Please refrain from using it for avatars or worlds that can be downloaded by others. The copyright is not waived. ©2022 voddolesu Update history: 9/9/2022 Public release

    Terms of Use

    Here's the translation: ◇Prohibited Acts ・Claiming ownership ・Redistribution or reposting ・AI learning ・Distributing or selling avatars that use this data ◇Permitted Use of Data ・Feel free to alter colors or make modifications. ・Sales of creative works (such as novels, manga, and photo collections) featuring this avatar are permitted. ・Commercial use is permitted if it is mentioned in the summary or elsewhere. ・Please contact us before using this data for the creation of original 3D games. ・This avatar may be used on virtual SNS platforms (such as VRChat, VketCloud, cluster, VirtualCast, and NeosVR). ・Please refrain from using this data to create avatars or worlds that can be downloaded by others. ◇Copyright is not relinquished. If there are any other unclear points, please contact us. ©2023 voddolesu