## What is it Create staff-only objects. (Only staff member players can see it, hold it, use it...) for event, private room so. (strictly speaking, To disable some GameObject and some Component in local when local player is not staff member) Adding External "Staff only feature" to already-existing items. ## Contents * ComponentDisabler.cs It read staff-list csv then disable GameObject, Renderer, Collider. (and SendCustomEvent to other UdonBehaviour when local player is not staff member) * Example.prefab Example * staff-list.csv displayName list (one player one line) * StaffOnly.prefab GameObject attached ComponentDisabler; (EMPTY) * Staff.prefab Misc; StaffOnly Staff (Vket2022 Summer) * ForbiddenParticles.prefab Misc ## Requirements * VRChat Creator Companion `UdonSharp` template * lilToon (used by Misc)