This is a set of speakers made in the image of a homemade full-range (1-way) bass reflex type, and a 3D model of a speaker stand. Use them for VRChat world creation, game production, background material for illustrations, video production, etc. (Commercial use allowed). Product contents obj file x 3 (speaker x 1, stand x 1, speaker + stand x 1) fbx file x 3 (speaker x 1, stand x 1, speaker + stand x 1) Textures x 2 (2480 x 2480 resolution) Number of polygons Surface: Speaker: -1194, Stand: -44, Total: -1238
By using this product, you agree to the terms of use. However, the copyright of this model is held by me (Zero Niimi), the creator. It is strictly prohibited to use this product for political or religious activities, or to criticize or slander a specific person, race, or group. Resale or secondary distribution of this product or modified versions of this product is strictly prohibited. NFT of this product or works using this product is prohibited. The use of this product in information products, their advertising activities, or advertisements is prohibited. Uploading to the public is prohibited when using VRChat. It is prohibited to make this product available for reuse by anyone other than the purchaser, even if it is used outside of VRChat. If you have any questions or problems, please contact us. If you have any questions or problems, please contact us here (↓). Rei Niimi@rei_niimi