This is a model i made from scratch :3 // STATS ・ 内容 // (。・ρ・) - 1 material poiyomi - 22862 tris - 1 fbx file // YOU NEED // ʕ⊙ᴥ⊙ʔ ※ DynamicBone ※ VRC SDK2 ※ PoiyomiToonShader (free version) Otherwise you will see pink parts on your model. Story: Miushy is a little raver, she likes to dance a lot and used to be a dancer that stayed 24 hours dancing without stopping (real), her soul became a fulltime worker so barely can dance now, would you be the one that can keep her dance soul alive?
Please read the Terms of service before purchasing this model. // TERMS OF SERVICE // (ಠ ∩ಠ) By purchasing this item you agree to adhere to and follow the terms of service. Under no circumstances can the item be used for profit. This includes but not limited to; Com-missionary use, video, art and 3D printed products. Under no circumstances can this item be used for public avatar worlds in VRChat or any virtual reality game that includes the option for public avatar worlds. Under no circumstances may you sell derivative work of this item. This includes recolours part swapping and full outfit and base. (Can recolor for yoruself :3) Under no circumstances may you redistribute this item. Under no circumstances are you to port onto any game that you plan to profit from. Failure to adhere to terms of service will result in fines and legal action. You may be asked to cease and removal as well.