Original 3DModel Little Dragon Fia 幸狐[moffox] Creator Is a sales avatar. VRChat Avatar3 Lip link compatible Body5588Poly VRChat assumed model Unity Humanoid Type Shape key conforming to Dance Contents Unitypackage Readme.txt Licence.txt model fbx model prefab data/IDMap, texture...etc texture/texture file Materials/material file avatar3.0/Avatar 3.0 settings file animation/animation files Required assets VRCSDK3 Sunao Shader(PC Version) DynamicBone(recommendation) Please import VRC SDK, Shader etc. first Modification You can use the ID map as a mask when changing the texture. The ID map is a mask image that is color-coded for each part. [Licence] Uni-Virtual License https://uv-license.com/en/uvl Only available to purchasers from the creator Allow commercial use as an individual Allow commercial use as a corporation Allow the use of adult expressions (sexual expressions) Allow adult (violent language) use There are other special notes Use adult expressions only in private spaces. It is forbidden to use adult expressions on twitter, facebook, etc. where an unspecified number of people can see. No pedestal or publicization is allowed. The author is not responsible for any trouble or damage caused by using the model. For model inquiries, please contact Twitter (@Draco_Lunax). Inquiries about Unity and VRChat Avatar3 are not supported. Avatar Test Last Date 26-11-2020
https://uv-license.com/en/uvl Please refer to the URL for the latest license information UV License Structure of UV License Basic terms and individual terms UV License consists of one (1) “basic terms” and eight (8) “individual terms”. A creator desiring to use UV License shall agree to the basic terms and may provide individual terms he/she desires. Multilingualization UV License is assumed to be capable of multilingualization and at the issuance stage, it will correspond to Japanese and English. Acceptance of derivative works aimed at expressing individuality UV License shall, from the nature of avatar culture, accept “derivative works to be privately used after adding individuality to the work”. Basic Terms of UV License The following provisions shall be unconditionally given to works that adopt UV License. Definition of terms Avatar: refers to the character with unique name, appearance and figure, etc. designed by the copyright holder. It may include personality setting in some cases. Asset: refers to digital data of characters, accessories and costumes, etc. which are usable on a computer. The Model, etc.: refers to 3D model and Asset in relation to the relevant 3D model which are subject to these Terms. The Copyright Holder: refers to a person holding a copyright in relation to the Model, etc. The License: refers to the contents of the basic terms and the individual terms of UV License set out to the Model, etc. by the Copyright Holder. Users: refer to persons who have downloaded the Model, etc. Derivative Works: refer to copyrighted works created by adapting the Model, etc. Formation of Users’ agreement The Users shall, upon their use of the Model, etc., be deemed to have fully understood the contents of the License and agreed thereto. Purpose of accepting Derivative Works and conditions of alteration, etc. The Copyright Holder shall, by adopting UV License to the Model, etc., grant a worldwide, free, non-sublicensable and non-exclusive permission with respect to the use and adaptation (meaning production, etc. of Derivative Works through customization of the Model, etc.) of the Model intended to have the Users demonstrate their individualities. The use to be permitted shall be provided for in each item below: A User shall be entitled to commission a third party (hereinafter referred to as the “Entrusted Producer”) to alter the work to which UV License is adopted; provided, however, that he/she shall not be allowed to entrust the said alteration for a fee. In such a case, the User shall present the License to the Entrusted Producer in advance and cause him/her to agree to comply with the License. The Entrusted Producer shall use the Model, etc. only for the alteration of the Model, etc. and the User shall cause the Entrusted Producer to ensure that, after he/she has delivered the data of Derivative Works, completely delete the Model, etc. as well as the data of Derivative Works and not to use them privately. Prohibition of acts that impede rights of the Copyright Holder In the event the method for using the Model, etc. acquired by a User through purchase or downloading is an act of impeding the gains which are deemed to have been obtained at the present or in the future by the Copyright Holder or an act of interfering with distribution, updating, or suspension of publication, etc. of the Model, etc. by the Copyright Holder, such acts shall be prohibited. In addition, the Users shall prohibit third parties who have obtained the Model, etc. or its Derivative Works via a User from conducting the foregoing acts. Permission of alteration and parts diversion within the scope of personal non-commercial use by the Users Alteration and parts diversion of the Model, etc. within the scope of personal non-commercial use by the Users shall be included in the scope of permission. “Personal non-commercial use by the Users” refers to the usage methods as a whole which will not generate earnings to the Users through the use of the Model, etc. Description of copyright holder’s name / Avatar name The Users shall, when they use or sell or purchase the Model, etc. and Derivative Works, describe the name of the Copyright Holder and the name of the Model; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the cases where there is no space to describe or where it is difficult to describe due to technical reasons, including data structure. Usages to be prohibited in advance unless the individual terms are set out Personal commercial use by the Users shall not be accepted unless specifically referred to. If the Copyright Holder permits such use, it shall be provided for in the individual terms. Distribution and sale of the Model and Derivative Works shall not be accepted except where it is permitted under the individual terms. Diverting data containing the Model (mesh, bone, texture, weight information, etc.) when distributing or selling the Model and Derivative Works shall not be accepted except where it is permitted under the individual terms. Use when a User is a corporation shall not be accepted except where it is permitted under the individual terms. Political use or religious use shall not be accepted except where it is permitted under the individual terms. Use to adult contents shall not be accepted except where it is permitted under the individual terms. Usages to be prohibited without exception Use for criminal acts and use for anti-social expressions shall not be accepted. Acts or purpose that are against public policy and use intended for the expressions of abusing third parties shall not be accepted. Pretending that data of the Model, etc. is a copyrightable work of the User himself/herself shall not be accepted. Handling, etc. of breach of UV License In the event a User breaches UV License, any and all licensing shall automatically terminate, and the Copyright Holder may, at any time, cause the User to suspend the use and delete the relevant Model, etc. and Derivative Works. If a User infringes on the right of the Copyright Holder, whether by willful intent or by negligence, the Copyright Holder may claim compensation for damages against the User who has breached UV License. The Users shall be obligated to take measures, etc. within the scope to be ordinarily taken against unauthorized use such as ripping on their own responsibility. Modification of the Terms UV License, which is a supply source of the License, may be changed along with diversification of handling method associated with usage purposes of models or avatar culture and personality in virtual space, which change from day to day. The most recent basic terms and individual terms described on UV License website shall apply to the License. These Terms may be modified, deleted or added from time to time pursuant to the preceding paragraph. In such a case, the updated Terms shall be described on relevant website together with the contents thereof, revision date and version. UV License Marks When clearly specifying that the Model is licensed under the provisions of the basic terms, UV License mark shall be used. When applying the individual terms, an additional individual license mark shall be separately imparted. Any person who does not fall under the Copyright Holder shall not be allowed to impart UV License mark. Marks included in the basic terms Use as Avatar (Avatar Use) AU Alteration/parts use (Derivative Use) DU Individual terms of UV License For UV License, the individual terms may be set out in addition to the basic terms according to the preference of the Copyright Holder. Permission of personal commercial use (Personal Commercial Use) PCU Permit activities which generate earnings to the Users using the Model, etc. itself or Derivative Works thereof as the subjects. Monetization through creation of Derivative Works of the Model, etc. shall be permitted by this provision; however, it shall be based on the premise that both the producer of Derivative Works and the requester fall under the Users of the Model, etc. Permission of corporate use (Corporate Commercial Use) CCU Permit profit-making use of the Model, etc. itself or Derivative Works thereof by corporations Permission of distribution of Derivative Works (Distribution of Derivative Works) DDW Permit to distribute Derivative Works of the Model to third parties; however, it shall be based on the premise that it does not breach Article 4, Article 6 and Article 8 of the basic terms Permission of diversion of data at the time of distribution or sale (Diversion of Model Data) DMD Permit to divert data containing the Model (mesh, bone, texture, weight information, etc.) when distributing or selling Derivative Works of the Model to third parties. This individual terms can be provided only in combination with the individual terms “Permission of distribution of Derivative Works (Distribution of Derivative Works) DDW”. Permission of political or religious use (Political or Religious Use) PRU Permit political or religious use of the Model, etc. itself or Derivative Works thereof. Permission of expressions for adults (sexual expressions) (For Adults, Sexual Expressions Use) SEU Permit use of sexual expressions of the Model, etc. itself or Derivative Works thereof for adults. Permission of expressions for adults (violent expressions) (For Adults, Violence Expressions Use) VEU Permit use of violent expressions of the Model, etc. itself or Derivative Works thereof for adults. Special notes (Remarks) Remarks Special notes outside the scope which can be stipulated by the basic terms or each individual terms of Uni-Virtual License, if any, may be additionally stated by providing the relevant individual terms; provided that the special notes do not conflict with the basic terms or other individual terms. Furthermore, for the special notes, it is recommended to translate them into more than one (1) language, namely Japanese and English.