This is a set of blackboard and equipments (chalk, blackboard eraser, color picker, etc.) for VRChat. Even if you write quickly, it can be synchronized among multiple users. A toy to copy the user to the blackboard is also included. (This is not for Udon). - Reference VRChat World: How to Use - Stand in front of the blackboard and hold the chalk to write. You can also write while touching the chalk to the blackboard as in real life. - When you erase the chalk on the blackboard, trigger the white switches on the top and bottom, and the corresponding 1/4 part of the blackboard will be washed. If you trigger the left and right switches, the whole board will be washed. - The small blackboard on the right is for screenshot. By triggering the small blackboard, the current status of the blackboard is saved to itself and the upper screen. Move the VRC camera close to the small blackboard and take a picture of it. It will automatically turn toward the camera. By triggering the small blackboard, the current status of the blackboard is saved in the upper screen. - By triggering the material-shaped switch on the left of the blackboard, the material of the flusher is changed. If you have baked the lightmap, you can change the material to either skybox or blackboard. After the change, you can change the background of the blackboard by washing the blackboard with the switch of the Flusher. Components UdBoard.prefab : Blackboard itself 2 ColorPicker.prefab: Color picker to change the chalk color in real time. ColorPicker.prefab: Color picker to change the chalk color in real time. 3 R-ChalkSet.prefab: Set of chalk for smooth writing. 4 R-ChalkAAV. R-ChalkAAVariable.prefab: R-Chalk reacting to color picker. 5. S-ChalkSet.prefab: Chalk for sharp writing 6. S-ChalkAAVariable.prefab: S-Chalk reacting to color picker R-Eraser.prefab: Blackboard eraser UdPad.prefab: A blackboard that can be picked up. How to Import 1. import VRCSDK2 2. 2. place VRChatExample/Prefab2/VRCWorld.prefab in the inspector, and set up the layer and collison matrix automatically in the control panel of VRCSDK. 3. 3. import the UdBoard.unitypackage (Oraitei/Scenes/justBB is a sample layout) Required assets (pre-imported) - VRCSDK2