Udon BGM Loop Manager (same: https://called-d.booth.pm/items/4005001) ## How to loop audio 1. case: You have loop-part audio file and not need intro-part → You don't need this Udon. Just check "Loop" of AudioSource. 2. case: You will use .wav file → You don't need this Udon. Set 'loop point' to .wav file. [UniWaveLoop](https://github.com/kraiHD/UniWaveLoop) recommended. 3. case: You have separated files (intro and loop) → see `How to use (separated audio clip versoin)` 4. case: You have single audio file and you hope to play intro-part + loop (+ end) → see: `Hou to use` (single audio clip version) ## How to use * Attach UdonBehaviour (BGMLoopManager) to GameObject with AudioSouce (LoopBGM.prefab) * Check loop start and loop end (sample pos) using like Audacity and set parameter. break when loop end === audio clip end ### How to use (separated audio clip versoin) (LoopBGM (Separated).prefab) * attach BGMLoopManagerSeparated udon behaviour to gameobject * create AudioSource (intro, loop, and more one loop) * set variable Audio Source Intro, Audio Source Loop A, B written in U#. ## Input loop count: (loop back times; -1 is infinite loop) loop start: (sample pos) loop end: (sample pos) ### Optional input loop start in sec: (in seconds) loop end in sec (in seconds) (available with not negative number)