This avatar is designed to be used with VRChat. The content is UnityPackage and model data. UnityPackage is packaged in a preconfigured state. Files It is not necessary to install this package. The FBX UnityPackage Textures Avatars (55,000) 2048*2048 16 cards About Avatar Full body tracking support Before importing package, please import DynamicBone. Lip-sync and 6 different facial expressions are pre-set Umbrellas can be taken in and out of the ExpressionMenu Hide material is assigned to the inner and part of the body to prevent plugging Translated with (free version)
Terms of Use It allows you to modify or alter the data Commercial Use Use in videos and games, etc. Use to R-18 and R-18G Prohibited items Redistribution and sale of this data Political and religious activities and use for defamation of others Disclaimer We are not responsible for any trouble, loss or damage that may occur when using this model.