contents FBX files 7 textures VRM files Unitypackage file Unitypackage includes Prefab for normal avatars Prefab for walking with avatars for normal avatars and a prefab for walking around with. The small model without VRC Avatar Descriptor is for walking around. Please use it as a child of any bones, etc. Model Features 6 types of shape keys PhysBone compatible (hair, skirt, waist ribbon) Full tracking support Introductory Video The liltoon is used as a material in the unitypackage. Please import liltoon before use.
Terms of Use This model uses the VN3 license in the Terms of Service. Please review the Terms of Service before purchasing. Also, although Watako-chan is not Watameko-chan itself, it is a work that contains Watameko's IP is. If you are creating a derivative work, please also check the Watameko Derivative Creation Guidelines.