【Werther】Original 3D model This model is rigged based on humanoid rig of Unity. ・Content Textures Werther.blend Werther.fbx Werther.unitypackage Terms of Use.txt How to import character to VRChat.txt ・Features Triangles : 35269 removable Clothing Body 27110 / Clothing 14801 BlendShape : 4 Animation : 6 MainTexture : 2 + MetallicSmoothness : 2 + NormalMap : 2 Material : 2 ・Import to VRChat Support Unity version : Unity 2017.4.28f1 Create a new 3D project in Unity and install VRCSDK and DynamicBone in advance. It works without DynamicBone, but does not reflect the swaying of tail. Import and run Werther.unitypackage. ・Configured Contents in UnityPackage Lip Sync DynamicBone arktoon-shaders- VRCSDK 【Support】 If you have any questions, you can message me Twitter:@Vi114Vi114 Email:viella1024@gmail.com
By purchasing this model you agree to the following Terms of Use. ・You can modify this model. ・You can use this model for commercial purposes, Video, Game development, Streaming,VTuber work. ・The copyright of this data and modified data except arktoon-shaders belongs to the creator, VillaVilla. ・Reproduction prohibited. ・Make sure this model is not available to anyone other than the buyer. ・I assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any trouble, loss or damage, caused by use of this data.