Video : Wow! Our cute catgirl Bobo is dressed in a chic summer beach T-shirt, sprinting joyfully down the sunlit street! This model is compatible with Unity's Humanoid format. VRChat is assumed. Product contents: VRChat avatar and VRM0.0 file. Fbx file. Psd file for texture editing. ---File in .zip Bobo(VRChat).unitypackage Psd folder catBoboA241111.vrm catBoboB241111.vrm catBoboC241111.vrm readme.txt ---How to use 1.Unzip file to BoboSell folder. 2.Create a new project with Unity 2022.3.22f1. 3.Download the VRCSDK from the official website and import it from Assets → Import Package → Custom Package. 4.In the same way as above, import Custom Package found in BoboSell folder: Bobo(VRChat).unitypackage 5.Open Assets> outputBobo> catBobo> Bobo.scene and choose a prefab in the scene to upload to VRChat. 6.Please check the procedure for uploading to VRChat by yourself. ---Disclaimer The creator VinBean takes no responsibility for any trouble, loss, or damage caused by the use of this model. Use of this model is at the user's own risk. ---Notice Any content other than the basic model specifications (how to convert to other format, how to upload, etc.) is outside the scope of support. Due to the nature of DL products, they cannot be returned or refunded.
Allowed: ・Modification is allowed. Prohibited: ・Commercial use(all original contents in this product). ・Redistribution of packaged assets. ・Resell the product on any platform.