Thank you for viewing this product. This is the sales page for the original 3D model [Nocturne]. This product is a humanoid avatar that can be used in VRChat, cluster, etc. ◆Contents For VRChat [MxU_Nocturne_v2.0] ・MxU Kobo Terms of Use VRChat folder ・VRC_Nocturne_v1.0 VRM folder ・Nocturne_VRM_v2.0 kaihen folder ・FBX ・Blend file ・PSD…Body・Face・Hair・Hat (created with Photoshop) ・tex…png image + data for Fur settings MxU_Nocturne (VRoid specification) [Nocturne_v1.2 folder] ・Nocturne_v1.2.vrm ・Nocturne_cloth_v1.2.vrm kaihen_v1.2 folder ・Nocturne_sotai_v1.2.vroid VRoid Studio version 1.28.1 VRoid_customitem_v1.2 folder ・Nocturne cloth_tops_v1.2.vroid customitem ・Nocturnecloth_Bottoms.shoes_v1.2.vroidcustomitem ・Nocturne cloth_cap_v1.2.vroidcustomitem The texture of the costumed model has been partially erased to prevent penetration, so please import it into the body data and use it if you like. Data for v1.1 is also included, so please use whichever you prefer. ◆Operation confirmation VRChat…Desktop/PCVR 3 points, 6 points using mocopi Cluster…Desktop/Smartphone/VR 3 points
The terms and conditions are generated based on the VN3 license Please check the terms and conditions before purchasing. Summary of MxU Kobo Terms of Use Copyright is not waived. It belongs to 無月(mutuki) NG ・Commenting on your own work, redistribution, and sale are prohibited. ・Uploading as a public avatar on VRChat is prohibited. ・Please be careful when uploading to VRoid Hub etc. in a state where it can be downloaded by a third party (textures can be reused), as this is redistribution. OK ・Can be used commercially by individuals or companies. Games, videos, and distribution on monetized channels are also OK. ・We can also make and sell costumes for this model. ・It is also OK to request illustrations of characters for a fee. ・It would be nice if credit notation when using is optional. Credit example 3D model creator: MxU Kobo 無月-mutuki-(@crazycat___12) Recommended hashtag #MxU工房