Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space
Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space

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    Black Staff T-shirts chan

    Published from : 2023/04/24 23:11:57

    Product Details

    Have you ever had a problem like this? You are a staff member at a Metaverse event. I'm in charge of event information, but it's hard to talk to the guests with my avatar. I want an avatar that is easily recognizable as an audience guide or caretaker. Just upload your avatar to the app. You can use it right away. Let's make your event a success 😉! Created using Vket Avatar Maker. Avatar data in VRM format. Vket Avatar Maker allows you to create avatars in your browser free of charge. You can sell your creations privately. Anyone can create similar avatars for free and easily. As a purchase bonus, for a limited time only We will teach you how to upload your avatar to cluster for beginners. ・Calling (official LINE cameshow) https://lin.ee/JOi4aAn ・Screen sharing online We will teach you how to do this via Let's upload your avatar together. The time required will be around 1 hour. This service is for Japanese speakers only. You can use this service with cluster, Hyperfy, and others. You can also upload the data to VRChat.

    Terms of Use

    【Terms of Use】 This model is released under UV license. For the full text of the rules, please refer to the following URL. https://uv-license.com/en/license?utf8=%E2%9C%93