Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space
Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space

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    Published from : 2023/02/20 22:25:51

    Product Details

    It's a pipe cigarette that anyone can use! Light a match in the left gesture fist, light a pipe cigarette, and close to the face with the right gesture fist to make a sound. After that, when you release the gesture, smoke comes out. This is PB and anyone can use it. When purchasing the same product, you can light pipe cigarettes with each other and it is also designed to be linked with tabaco and lighter. When you want to turn off the fire, hit yourself or the other person's head with a pipe cigarette, and the fire goes out and makes a sound. This product requires a pre-file. Based on poiyomi 8.0.385.Ver. https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader/releases Also, please provide the VRLABS (Linked) listed on this website. https://github.com/VRLabs/Avatars-3.0-Manager/releases <How to deploy> Please refer to the accompanying video, photo, and read me.

    Terms of Use

    <Prohibited Items> 1. The act of deceiving the producer 2. The copyright is in Basasac. 3. Pedestalization of VRChat 4. Secondary distribution and redistribution of this data 5. Use for political and religious activities 6. Use for slander against specific individuals or organizations 7. Do not use for public avatars. <Disclaimer> - The manufacturer is not responsible for any trouble or loss caused by using this model.