This is a six-color set of masks that resemble Oni. This work is intended to be used in VRC and Unity. I will be exhibiting it at VketMall Proto! Contents UnityPackage fbx file (main body) Textures (Albedo, MetalicSmoothness, Normalmap, Emissionmap) 6 color set Readme (Terms of use)
Terms of product: - Author "NobiruHochikisu" has all copyrights. - The following acts are prohibited: 1. Using against public order and morals. 2. Using for political or religious calm. 3. Redistribution and Resale. 4. Claim that you the creator of this product. - We don't restrict of modifying model and texture, and we also allow you to use this product for commercial use. - Even if you get any troubles or losses by using the model data or modifyed model, author, our participants, and groups they belong to do not take any responsibility.