Original 3D Model [Japanese Sword] Ver 1.1 Thank you for downloading the original 3D model of the Japanese Sword. This is a 3D model mainly intended for use in VRChat. It can be used for other products as well. Please use the enclosed unitypackage when you install it. The polygon count is triangle 960. The terms of use are enclosed in a separate file. (You are free to use it for any purpose other than antisocial use, making your own comments, and redistribution. About the contents Folder "Blender The folder "Texture" contains the blender and fbx files of the Japanese sword. Folder "Texture". It contains a Japanese sword texture file (png format). Folder "UnityPackage". The UnityPackage file is included. Shaders in use Manmaru Shader 3 It is not included in the package, please download and install it from the following URL Please download and install from the following URL: https://booth.pm/ja/items/1627422 In addition, the material "JapaneseKatanaMat_Standard" uses Unity's standard Standard shaders. About PostProcessing In the scene "Japanese Katana", the sword part is made to glow by using PostProcessing Bloom. If you do not have PostProcessing installed in Unity Project, install PostProcessing from Window→Package Manager. We have installed PostProcessing Version 3.0.1 and tested it on Unity Project. Contact Information If you have any questions or concerns about this data, please contact us by DM to the following Twitter:tarothethird (Taro III) =============================================== Update History 2020/11/20 First version (Ver. 1.0) is released 2020/11/25 Correction of Terms of Service ===============================================
The terms of use are enclosed in a separate file. (You are free to use it for any purpose other than antisocial use, making your own comments, and redistribution.