It is an original mechanical avatar for VR Chat. With a gimmick by PhysBones, you can pull each part of the body apart and play. You can change the color of the armor from the Expression Menu. ● Specifications Unity: Unity 2019.4.31f1 VRC SDK: VRCSDK3-AVATAR-2022. shader: lilToon_1.3.1 Download size: 6.41MB Number of polygons: 62598 Number of bones: 175 Number of meshes: 3 (internal frame / light emitting / armor) Number of PhysBone components: 16 Performance: Medium others ・ Compatible with lip sync ・ Not compatible with quest ・ Not compatible with full tiger (unconfirmed) ● Contents composition ・ kumotsuki_1_0_0.unitypackage ・ terms (Japanese / English / Korean / Chinese) ・ Introduction guide.txt ● Contact information Please reply on Twitter.
These Terms of Use use the VN3 license ( ) template. Please check the full terms and conditions included in the package before using.