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Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space

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    Drinks & Gimmicks for VRC World EffectDrink

    Published from : 2022/07/24 22:53:00

    Product Details

    One second charge powers up for one minute! Take your trash to the dumpster after you drink... 6/26... Added a function to force Drop when you put it in the trash VRCSDK3 is supported Worlds you can check https://vrchat.com/home/launch?worldId=wrld_9b972b50-06b0-44be-8cd5-03eb9aaf751a How to use About this product 1. Each of the 4 flavors has its own special effect. 2. There are 4 effects: reduce gravity, make your voice reach farther, increase jumping power, and increase movement speed. 3. You can drink a drink by holding it and using it. 4. Press the button on the vending machine to drink. 5. By putting the drink in the trash, it will be collected and refilled. 6. If you set Jihanki in the drink's UdonBehaviour to false, the drink can be reused one minute after use. Notes 1. By default, only 5 drinks are available for each drink, so please put the trash in the trash. 2. If you want to increase the number of drinks, duplicate the object and attach it to the corresponding numbered ObjectPool array in the UdonBehaviour of the corresponding button. 3. If you want to increase or decrease the strength of the effect, change the value of "New..." in the UdonBehaviour of all the drinks you want to change. in UdonBehaviour for all the drinks you want to change, or change the value directly in the C# program. About importing 1. Import the latest VRCSDK3 and UdonSharp in advance. 2. Import the Unity package of EffectDrink. 3. D&D "EffectDrink.predab" in the "EffectDrink" folder in Assets.

    Terms of Use

    Redistribution or sale of data is prohibited. 2. Modification of data is allowed, but distribution or sale of modified data is prohibited. 3. Data may be placed in the VRChat world and uploaded for use within the VRChat service. 4. We are not responsible for any damages caused by the use of this data. 5. Release of the source code almost as is is prohibited.