[Installation] 1.Install Unity 2019.4.29f1. 2.Unity>Creat Project 3.Import VRChatSDK3.0(latest). 4.Import PoiyomiToon 7.2.41. 5.Import this unitypackage. 6.NS-TR-03A or NS-TR-03C Prefab on the hierarchy. 7.Manu>VRChatSDK>Show Control Panel>Build & Publish [Performance] -VRCSDK3.0 only -AvatarPerformance:Poor -DownloadSize:3.77MB -Trianglelate:△40158 -SkinnedMeshes:5 [Tracking Mode] -Desktop OK -VR 3 Point Mode OK -VR 6 Point Mode OK but Legs are not work. -Quest not work. [Shader] -PoiyomiToon 7.2.41PBR -Metarial slot 7 -2K Texture
License Conforms to the NS-TR-03_VN3license that accompanies this data. This is a summary of the Terms of Use for NS-TR-03. If there is any inconsistency with the full summary, the full summary takes precedence. - The copyright of this data belongs to the creator, Minami Kitano, regardless of whether it has been modified or not. - Permission to use this model as an avatar is granted. - Permission to modify this model is granted. - Permission is granted to use this model for non-commercial and paid purposes. - When using this model in visual media, please clearly state the credit as "3D Model Creator: Minami Kitano". - Redistribution of this model is prohibited. - It is prohibited to publish this model as a public avatar on VRChat. - It is prohibited to distribute or sell the data including any part of this model. - Prohibited to use this model for any criminal acts or any acts or purposes that are offensive to public order and morals.