Unity Humanoid , Phys bone , Lip Sync , Eye-Tracking , Full-body Tracking , VRCSDK 3.0 compatible △ 67,039 20 lip sync, eye tracking shape keys for VRC 294 facial shape keys (49 MMD compatible shape keys) 28 body shape keys 8 materials lilToon Shader 1.3.2 https://lilxyzw.booth.pm/items/3087170 Unity-Chan Toon Shader 2.0.9 https://github.com/unity3d-jp/UnityChanToonShaderVer2_Project 13 meshes 19 facial animations 19 textures (6 main textures) 28 types of 3.0 Exclusive Icons ※Included blend, PSD, FBX, VRM, PMX files※ ※CAUTION※ Basically, the shape of the bone and the shape key of the body is based on the value of Breast_Big set to 100. When using with a small breast, adjust the shape key values appropriately. (If set to 100, the shape will be strange.) VRM and PMX files are temporary files for testing. (Especially PMX may not work.)
You agree to these terms and conditions when purchasing this model. Terms and Conditions are subject to change and prioritize the latest version. Starting February 15, 2023, we have organized the contents of the existing Terms and Conditions and changed to using the VN3 license template. These Terms and Conditions use a template of VN3 license ( https://www.vn3.org/ ) created by Ashiya Mahiroko (@hiorko_TB). 規約全文(JP) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YI2J3eIl6HaaDhrw6MP5742rKh_L7e7j/view?usp=sharing 이용규약(KO) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W8tL5Yywt1Xue2381wnbOUZEBl3QZR_R/view?usp=sharing Terms of use(EN) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QxPH35idalnqYYCs9zS9DDuTvhNSfnOv/view?usp=sharing 使用条款(ZH) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PtsUWs5DPczPGc23FU0HodeN9jXV3DS5/view?usp=sharing If you have any questions or concerns about this, please contact us at the following address. However, issues that arise when personal models are modified, configured, or not genuine may be difficult to support or respond to. Due to the nature of the downloaded product, we cannot accept exchanges, refunds, or returns. The author's 「진권/ジンゴ」 is not responsible for any problems, losses or damages arising from the use of this model. If there is a difference between the Japanese version and the Korean version, the Korean version takes precedence. Twitter: @jingo_1016 E-mail: wlsrnjs1016@gmail.com