【Product introduction】 It is an original 3D model. It is a Corriedale sheep. Use your avatar on VRChat. Please call this model "Mococo-chan" ーーーーー 【Click here for a 3D model preview (sketch fab)】 https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/model-03-149fb4099f8b4c1dbd439c3543a2a9a5 Colors may vary slightly due to shaders. ーーーーー 【Notes】 The skirt does not contain any bones and moves in conjunction with the weight of the feet. The hair is too big and its presence will be jacked up in a small space. Also, when playing MURDER, the culprit may be revealed due to hair penetration. This game uses ToonLit shaders, and if the Directional Light color is left at its default setting when loaded into Unity, it will appear a bit yellowish.
【Terms of Use】 Non-commercial use of 3D models for personal or corporate use, no credit required. Commercial use of 3D models and 2D graphics using these materials is permitted. Commercial use of 3D models and 2D graphics using these materials is permitted. Commercial use of 3D models and 2D graphics using the 3D models and their materials is allowed, with no credit required. Please contact us for further details.