Original 3D Model 「Worldly Restroom」 Created by Makki This is a booth that I exhibited at Virtual Market 5. The texture is clearer than the one placed. The first floor is a restroom, and the second floor is a workroom. We have prepared a few household items, so please use them as interior decoration. (Some items such as yarn saws, cameras, wheelchairs, picture frames, etc. are sold separately. 【Product Description】 「Worldly Restroom」 ・10 textures ・Room.unitypackage ・Booth5.fbx ・世間体の化粧室_vn3license.fbx 【Product Contents】 ・Birdcage ・Cosmetic table ・Cosmetics ・Chair ・Round table ・Trash bags ・KEEP OUT tape ・Room ・Ceiling light ・Mirror + cloth ・Stool ・Blood glue
「世間体の化粧室」 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DnhcTESg0V02fY_5NhYKW9unGed1lOhi/view?usp=sharing