[Original 3D model] IDRO VKET SALE Industrial Design Robotics is a now defunct robotics corporation. A once industrious organization is now left in ruin, but their legacy lives on. [Setup] ● Make sure you are using unity version 2018.4.20f1 1. Create an empty Unity project 2. Import VRCSDK3 3. Import the Unity Package 4. Prepared prefab in the Prefab folder UnityPackage VRChat Performance: Excellent Polygons: 20734 Materials: 1 Skinned Mesh: 1 Lip Sync: YES Eye Tracking: NO Full Body: YES VRChat SDK: 3.0 (AV3) Shader: Poiyomi 6.0 【https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader/releases/tag/V6.0.110】 or 7.0 【Patreon】