About this Avatar I'm Lubuna, the energetic dragon girl! She's got a ghost behind her (?). She can control the ghost, fly, and many other gimmicks. You can control the ghost, fly, and more. The avatar 2.0 has MMD morphs set up, so it should dance nicely. The avatar 2.0 has MMD morphs, so I think it will dance well. Accessories LUBUNA.FBX ... Model FBX Data LUBUNA.BLEND ... . Blender file LUBUNA.VRM ... VRM file for LUBUNA LUBUNA2.0.unitypackage .... Unity package for LUBUNA avatar 2.0 LUBUNA3.0.unitypackage ... Unity package for LUBUNA avatar 3.0 TEX folder ... Various texture files UV ... Various UV data ETC folder ... Thumbnail files, etc. How to install <Required packages for installation Please install these packages in advance. 1、VRCSDK2 (in case of 2.0) or VRCSDK3AVATAR (in case of 3.0) (can be downloaded from VRChat official website) 2、Sunao Shader (URL=https://booth.pm/ja/items/1723985) 3、DynamicBone (This is a paid asset, but it is not required to install) <How to install 1, Import the above 1, 2, and 3. 2. Import LUBUNA2.0.unitypackage or LUBUNA3.0.unitypackage, and drag LUBUNA in the Prefab folder to the Hierarchy. (If you haven't purchased DynamicBone, select LUBUNA from the Hierarchy, remove the MissingScript part from Inspector, and remove the MissingScript from UpperLeg (L and R), Spine, and HEAD of the avatar's armature. RemoveComponent from UpperLeg (L and R), Spine, and HEAD of the avatar's armature. After that, you can upload the file as it is. Update History Ver1.0 First release Ver1.1 Model weight correction, 2.0 texture correction Ver1.2 Fixed a bug that wink was interfering with blink, added VR sleep function, chair anywhere function! Contact Information Please contact Ankonyan on Twitter (@darkfox3150) or email (darkfox3150@gmail.com) if you have any problems or notice anything.
By purchasing this model, you are deemed to have agreed to the following terms of use. The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for any disadvantage, trouble, or any other loss caused by the use of this model. The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for any disadvantage, trouble, or any other loss caused by the use of this model. These terms and conditions are subject to change. In such cases, the latest version of the terms and conditions shall apply. 1. Resale or redistribution of this model is prohibited. This includes altering the data, making public avatars on VRChat, and even part of the data. 2. You are free to modify or alter the model. In this case, the creator shall not be held responsible for any trouble or malfunction. 3. You are free to use this data outside of VRChat, but we may not be able to support you even if a problem occurs when you use it outside of VRChat. Also, if you use this model in a game other than VRChat, please mention "Ankonyan" in the credits. 4. There are no restrictions on monetizing avatars based on this model data. Use in video distribution, etc. There are no restrictions on the use of avatars based on this model data in video distribution, etc., or on their appearance in other people's broadcasts, regardless of whether they are monetized or not. 5. In principle, the use of R-18 and R-18G is allowed. However, the producer will not be held responsible for any problems that may occur in such cases. 6. The use of the models for activities or purposes that are offensive to public order and morals, political or religious activities, or for the purpose of slandering others is prohibited. 7. The copyright of this model shall belong to Ankonyan in any case.