「Deracine2-his lost memory and her nostalgia-」 This is 11-tracks album with multiple chorus in fictional language(using VOCALOID). It's a narrative album of a Girl who lost her hometown and a Boy with amnesia. It's like a soundtracks of Fantasy RPG game. 1.Poem of Genesis and Destruction 2.Alma-You're My Compass- 3.Symphony of Horizon 4.Prosperous Castle Town 5.Forget-me-not Corolla-for you in past days- 6.Revelation from Sacred Mountain"Creatze" 7.Harvest Festival 8.At the Bar"Clay Dragon and Amber" 9.Peddler's Ballad 10.His Ego Collapse in Deep Forest 11.the Beginning of Destruction web:https://deracine2.tumblr.com/ If you are looking for [CD version], please purchase from BOOTH. https://nanamip.booth.pm/