I created the prefab that displays a box above the instance master’s head, by combining MasterLocal_AudioBank included iwashibox and Staff Room Set created by ナル. [How to use] Put Assets/instance-master/instance-master.prefab on the scene If you use SDK3, the following assets need to be imported. UdonSharp https://github.com/MerlinVR/UdonSharp/releases/latest If you use SDK2, the following assets need to be imported. Standard Assets https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/-/32351 Toybox V2.1 https://twitter.com/JasonL663/status/1012799892425588736
MIT License (MIT) https://spdx.org/licenses/MIT Copyright 2020 100の人 https://pokemori.booth.pm/items/2237471 Copyright (c) 2019 momoma https://virtual-boys.booth.pm/items/1492270 Copyright (c) 2019 IWASHI-184.COM https://gitlab.com/iwashi_farm/iwashibox/-/blob/v0.18.4/LICENSE.txt ▚▚▚ Assets/instance-master/sign The contents of this folder licensed under Zlib. https://spdx.org/licenses/Zlib