[PCVR, Meta Quest (Android) compatible, VCC compatible] - 3D model of a living room and a small room in a modern Japanese house. (The exterior is simple and usually hidden) - No restrictions on public or private uploads to VRChat or other VR SNS. - Already set up for VRChat. - Data without settings for other VR SNS. - Includes Photo models with light rendering load. (6 screenshots per texture) VRChat Creator Companion (VCC) and Tirigger2to3_VPM are required for world upload. Tirigger2to3_VPM must be imported before Room Set - Cauliflower unitypackage imports. Tirigger2to3_VPM can be downloaded from the following URL. https://github.com/hoke946/Trigger2to3_VPM **Requirements** - Unity 2022 - VRChat Creator Companion (VCC) - Tirigger2to3_VPM
We have used the Terms of Use generator from the VN3 License ( https://www.vn3.org/ ). Please download the PDF file from the linked page and review it before purchasing. *It is also included in the data you purchased. Download PDF https://nzn.booth.pm/items/2470672 **Assets in use** Tirigger2to3_VPM (https://github.com/hoke946/Trigger2to3_VPM) - MIT License CC0 TEXTURES (https://cc0textures.com/) - CC0 1.0 Multiple assets in Coquelicotz shelf: furniture set 2 and 4, QC_Books, Coquelicotz_Plants (https://coquelicotz.booth.pm/) - CC0 1.0