CAT 5 is a versitile service and assassination mechanical. Equiped with sentinel atomics high speed hydraulic actuators CAT 5 is ideal for your summer get together or covert infiltration This VRChat ready model comes with pre set up working hydraulic pistons. The model is also full body ready. though some height adjustment may be required based on your own body proportions. It comes equiped with a few eye lid poses as well as a flashing eye for speech. ***IMPORTANT PLEASE READ*** VRChat Setup instructions **requires Unity 2018** Before importing the model into a Unity scene please make sure the scene has the VRChat SDK installed. There is also a dynamic bone set up on the head antenna so install dynamic bones as well before importing the avatar. This is to avoid any conflicts and missing scripts when the avatar is imported. Once these steps are followed and the avatar is imported simply drag the avatar prefab into the unity scene and upload the model to VRChat using the SDK and the avatar should be good to go! Enjoy! Conditions of use: - Avatar use: YES - Use in other programs: Contact me - Corporate use: Contact me - Alterations: YES - Redistribution: YES, however redistribution of the CAT5 avatar or its contents may only be done if the items are significantly modified and/or are released as part of a separate product such as a video game, animation, video or any such works. these files may not be redistributed as is. and credit must be given to the original author, Sentinel373 for the use of this character and models Disclaimer: Sentinel373 is not responsible for any damages, harm or effects that this data has on the users property. Contact: Discord: Sentinel373#5947 Twitter: @Sentinel373