Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space
Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space

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    Child Product

    Sakura use Event costume

    Published from : 2020/08/30 12:24:09

    Product Details

    HP formula shop! It is clothes made for "Sakura" (tentative name) clothes contests. I misappropriate data of "Sakura" (tentative name) who is a pro-product based on terms and make it. The unity data support humanoid, and they have been set up.A thing for unlit and two kinds of things for standard enter shader used for clothes.For more details, please see readme. mesh 6 texture 6(+standardshader Texture 5) △30232

    Terms of Use

    HP formula shop! Please obey terms of "Sakura" (tentative name). https://www.v-market.work/ec/items/2715/detail/